
Being ordained in the Alliance of Reformed Churches is different.

High Accessibility

The Alliance gets you ordained efficiently, whether you're an emerging leader, a second career pastor, or transferring your ordination. 

A Continuum of Learning

The Alliance promotes holistic development by putting pastors on clear paths toward credentials and lifelong learning.

High Accountability

The Alliance supports pastors with robust accountability measures and renews ordination status every five years to ensure a high integrity relationship.

What Is Pathways?

Pathways is a process that verifies that pastors are mature in all the key areas needed to be trusted by Alliance churches. A pastor shows that they have certain “competencies” in place by providing “demonstrations.”  There are core competencies, which are the essentials of being a pastor, and practitioner competencies, which are the more advanced and professional abilities. Only when a leader has a certain set of competencies verified is he or she eligible for ordination. Pathways is the innovative approach by which the Alliance verifies that someone is a trustworthy pastor.