jeff maatman

Chief Financial Officer

Jeff Maatman is a West Michigan native who came to know Jesus Christ as his personal savior between his sophomore and junior years in high school at a YFC summer conference. Since then he has claimed 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” and has been becoming new continuously ever since. He went to Hope College with the intent to go on to Western Theological Seminary. Just before college graduation he felt that he was being called into lay ministry. He pursued his CPA certificate and then spent the largest part of his career as a financial manager in private industry. In 2014 Jeff started his consulting career as “my CFO knows” to provide financial leadership to small businesses who need his expertise on a part-time basis. 

In early 2022, as his church was exploring becoming a member of the Alliance of Reformed Churches, Jeff contacted the Alliance because he felt called to serve this new organization using his financial skills. The relationship began shortly thereafter and it has become his passion to use his expertise to serve God in a professional way.

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