Thank You for Your Faithfulness

Pastor Shawn Hulst (Fellowship / Hudsonville, MI) does a great job appreciating the ministry partners, staff and volunteers at Fellowship.  The first time I heard him say “thank you for your faithfulness”, to be candid, I didn’t really think much of it.  The second time I heard it, I sort of tilted my head and gave a bit of a fleeting thought.  The third time?  Wait, what is he saying here?  It consumed my thoughts on my morning walk the next day.

Faithfulness . . . a stated fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23), but often overshadowed by the others.  Yet the Bible is filled with examples of God’s faithfulness to His people.  It is abundantly evident in Christ’s deliverance of us from our sins.  But we are to be faithful to God as well.  The Parable of the Talents teaches us to be faithful in service with these words of praise and encouragement “Well done, good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.” (Matthew 25:21 and 23).   God knows our capabilities – and doesn’t expect perfection.  We all fail.  But when we’re faithful to God, that faithfulness often produces fruit.

As I’ve traveled around the country, in person and virtually, I have had the blessing of seeing and hearing many stories of God’s faithfulness to the local church.  At the same time, I hear stories of hurt and pain in ministry.  There is no doubt that culture has infiltrated the local church.  Yet we rejoice to see people who have been faithful for many years to their local church, sometimes serving out front, sometimes serving behind the scenes.  We need more faithfulness in the church.  Churches will go through seasons of struggle, but they will persevere through faithful people who keep pressing on, serving one another and giving glory to God.

As we move towards November and a season of thanksgiving, this short note is a reminder to thank God for faithful church pastors, staff, leaders, volunteers and members.  “Thank you for your faithfulness” . . . five words that mean so much.


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