Founded in 1909, Mescalero Reformed Church is a vibrant and multigenerational congregation nestled in the heart of a Native American Reservation located in South Central New Mexico. The reservation includes persons, among others, of Mescalero, Lipan and Chiricahua descent. The church has a history of 115 years; began as a "mission church" and now seeks to move into the future in a dynamic way!

The community of Mescalero is richly blessed with a wonderful cultural heritage. For the people of Mescalero Reformed Church, their ability to maintain their cultural identity while committing themselves to following and serving Jesus is paramount to who they are. This heritage, along with their faith, affects and steers every part of their life. With a rich history of faith and community engagement, the church has been a beacon of hope and spiritual growth throughout their lifetime. The integration of these two is very effective in the way they carry out their mission “to purposefully present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our community through living out the mandate to Love God and Love Others.”

We are seeking a dedicated and dynamic full-time pastor to lead our congregation into the next chapter of our journey. The ideal candidate will possess a deep commitment to Christ, exemplary leadership skills, and a heart for serving people of all ages and backgrounds. This position offers an exciting opportunity to join together one’s love for God and for each other along with a wonderful cultural heritage experience.

If you feel called to serve as our pastor and to shepherd multiple generations in a welcoming community rooted in tradition and poised for growth, we invite you to submit your resume, a cover letter expressing your interest and vision for ministry, and any relevant supporting materials to Marge Salcido ( We look forward to prayerfully considering all applicants and discerning together God’s leading in this important decision.


West Side Presbyterian


Connect Church CRC • Posted May 14, 2024 (Copy)