midwest network
Midwest Network is a geographic Network with churches in several midwestern states. Our Network is in a season of transitioning to a new way of doing things, balancing continuity with innovation. We have added dozens of churches to our network and continue to receive requests from churches as they transfer into the Alliance. Because of our large geography, we have several “clusters” that meet monthly to promote local pastoral relationships and support.
Our Network is governed by an Admin Team with representatives from each of our Clusters, along with staff.
Mission is “what” we will do because of Jesus’ Lordship. Mission is an action, not an idea or slogan. Mission is the work given to us by Jesus. We believe every church has a part to play in the Great Commission.
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
- Matt. 28:18-20 ESV
Midwest Network believes the local church is a vital part of Great Commission. For this to happen, we must develop healthy churches and healthy pastors. Our Network is committed to assisting churches and pastors in Renewal, Discipleship, and Multiplication.
Biblical vision is more than a goal or target, it is a revelation from God to people that empowers and gives purpose. Vision answers “why” we do “what” we do.
“Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast-off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.”
- Proverbs 29:18 ESV
Where God’s presence is absent, people do whatever they want and become disconnected. The early church experienced a major revelation/vision in Jesus’ resurrection and it changed everything. Jesus wasn’t just a good teacher or religious organizer, he was/is LORD of the universe! When faced with various cultural challenges, the early church held fast to the LORDship of Jesus. And, so do we. Jesus is our “why.”
Voluntary Accountability
Equipping One Another
Showing Preference
Prayer for one another -
Midwest Network is a geographic Network with churches in several midwestern states. Our Network is in a season of transitioning to a new way of doing things, balancing continuity with innovation. We have added dozens of churches to our network and continue to receive requests from churches as they transfer into the Alliance. Because of our large geography, we have several “clusters” that meet monthly to promote local pastoral relationships and support.
Our Network is governed by an Admin Team with representatives from each of our Clusters, along with staff.
Network Clerk - Brenda Van Beek
Network Pastor - Seth Sundstrom