Unifying beliefs
Denominations and other multi-congregational structures are tools given to the Church by God for his glory and the good of the Kingdom. In different seasons and in different ways they provide new modes of ministry for the equipping of the saints and the expansion of the Gospel. These tools are not biblically mandated but are allowed to assure unity on certain non-essential doctrines. We in the Alliance believe, “there is one body and one Spirit – just as we are called to one hope when we were called – one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Eph.4:5,6). We also believe it is important for us to be aligned with congregations and individuals who not only share our essential Christian beliefs but also our beliefs that make us Reformed and distinct within the global church, so that we may be fully unified and move together as one as we advance the Kingdom of God.

We believe…that the Bible is the only rule and guide to our life of faith, and all scripture is God-breathed and is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God.
We believe…we are living in God’s story of redemption which is constructed and governed by God’s unfailing covenants and promises.
We believe…that interpreting the Bible correctly requires using consistent exegetical principles that include grammatical/literary, historical, contextual, and language filters, as well as a consistent systematic theology.
We believe…in the total sovereignty of God in all things, and that we are forever and completely forgiven of our sins by God’s grace alone, through the gift of faith alone, in Christ’s atoning sacrifice alone, as revealed in the Bible alone, all for the glory of God alone.
We believe…that Jesus is the only King and Head of the Church, and He calls all His followers into a royal priesthood to serve Him and His Church.
We believe…the Apostles, Athanasian, and Nicene Creeds unite all Christians as the global Church.
We believe… in the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort as historic Reformed expressions of the Christian faith, because their interpretations align with our understanding of God’s Word and these creeds and confessions come from the authority, clarity, and sufficiency of the eternal Word alone. These doctrinal standards, which are taken from Scripture, help us to understand the Bible and unite us in the way we practice our faith and distinguish us as Reformed within the larger Body of Christ.
We believe…in the Belhar Confession as an addendum to the Belgic Confession, to give its call to unity a more biblical context.
We believe…in the Great Lakes Catechism on Marriage and Sexuality as an addendum to the Heidelberg Catechism to give its teaching on human sexuality a more biblical context.
We believe…the Church is a chosen people of God throughout redemptive history, united in true faith, and sent out with the message of the Gospel and is the heart of God’s mission to the world.
We believe… the mission of multiplication should be at the core of every church, and we will prioritize our resources to continue growing existing communities of faith and planting new ones.
We believe...we are a covenant people, in covenant with God and therefore with each other and as such we can accomplish more together than apart. No congregation is an island but part of a bigger alliance, knit together through the blood of Christ where we are called to be gracious and generous to one another, pray for and show love to one another, celebrate, and encourage one another, and hold each other graciously accountable.
We believe… that God has created all people in His image and has sovereignly called people to Himself from every nation and tribe, people, and tongue and that this diversity is ordained and glorious to God and should be celebrated.
We believe…that Jesus is the answer to every malady in our culture today and that the Church must understand our culture and confidently and creatively engage and relate to it like Jesus would – in love, in grace, and in the truth.

We believe…the Alliance exists to equip, empower, and encourage the local congregation. We will strive to work in a way that develops healthier missional congregations, limits our own ministry reach, and steps in only when there is no local option.
We believe…that congregations should have full ownership and authority over their assets and local property to steward them under the lordship of Jesus Christ, who is the owner of everything.
We believe…that men and women are created in God’s image and as followers of Jesus Christ are gifted by the Spirit to equip and lead God’s people in ministry.
We believe…there are two theologically acceptable positions regarding ordained offices in the Church. One position ordains women into the ordained offices, the other limits the ordained offices in which women can serve. We respect each view and each congregation’s choice regarding the nature and extent of ordained leadership.
We believe…in theological education that is Biblical and Reformed, and that develops leaders with Christ like character who can in turn equip the church to serve Christ, each other, and the world, so that the church may be built up and God glorified.
We believe… People who hold Alliance ordination should be members of a local Alliance congregation for the purposes of gracious accountability.
We believe…the best place to build and strengthen missional relationships is at the local congregational level. Therefore, the Alliance equips, empowers, and encourages congregations to find and develop healthy missional partnerships.
We believe…there are seasons when congregations can be strengthened utilizing external training and coaching. The Alliance develops transitional pastors, conflict resolution specialists, vocational coaches, and other ministry resources which are meant to build up local congregations and increase missional effectiveness.
We believe…in carrying out congregationally - based ministry in a spiritually and physically safe context. Congregations are accountable for utilizing training, policies, and safety procedures that will ensure safe ministries for all.
We believe…in empowering congregations to govern themselves biblically. The Alliance may issue guiding principles and policies, but they will not be elevated to a standard of belief.
We believe…that Alliance funding should be limited to that needed for leadership, organizational governance, and limited congregational support.