Tim Vink

Director of Spiritual Leadership and Outreach

Tim Vink grew up in Minnesota on the lakes and sports fields but also in the pews of a vibrant congregation of Jesus. His life verse from Luke 12:48 was etched in him by strong Christian parents, "To whom much is given, much will be expected." The emphasis was full of grace from God, and full of potential and opportunity.

Through 35 years of evangelism, disciple-making, and helping diverse churches plant more reproducing churches, Tim has experienced the power of making Jesus our model for ministry today. Working with a multiplication mindset, embracing the fullness of the gospel of Jesus and New Testament patterns of Kingdom growth, and receiving all the help offered by the same Holy Spirit---the dynamic results have been life-giving for hundreds of new churches and tens of thousands of people. The Alliance of Reformed Churches will be an exciting next chapter where Tim serves as the Director of Spiritual Leadership and Outreach.

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