Pathways: Empowering “Unusual” Pastors
When it comes to ordination, do people go into ministry roles at predictable times in their lives? Not according to the Bible.
Beware of Reductionism
Article 12 of the Belgic Confession (AD 1561) highlights from Scripture the…
Making Disciples = Mentoring Like Jesus
Jesus invested most of his time with 12 disciples who became disciple-making leaders…
What is my SHAPE as a Disciple?
A disciple is someone who looks like Jesus and who does what Jesus does!
Living Certainly in Uncertain Times
When life is uncertain, we start to doubt any and all information that we can’t verify…
12 Gospel Revolutions
Jesus lived an incarnational life on earth that rocks our planet to this day with…
From An addition mindset to multiplication in the church
Let’s compare and contrast seven common features of the difference between…
DRR: Disciple-making reproduction rate
In Jesus’ Great Commission strategy to reach the whole world with his love and power…