Pathways: Empowering “Unusual” Pastors
When it comes to ordination, do people go into ministry roles at predictable times in their lives? Not according to the Bible.
Beware of Reductionism
Article 12 of the Belgic Confession (AD 1561) highlights from Scripture the…
5 Invitations in the Moment
Based on the surveys from our first conference together, the overwhelming…
When the Reformation kicked off, one of the elements of reforming the Church…
God's Children Are Not for Sale...why we should encourage everyone to see The Sound of Freedom
This prophetic pronouncement by Jim Caviezel playing Tim Ballard in this true…
“Watching Church” Is A Spiritual Oxymoron
It's been said that golf doesn't only produce character; it "reveals" it. The same…
Leadership Responsibilities - "Watchmen on the Wall"
Ezekiel 33:1-9 may not be a well-known passage, but in the times in which we…
I vividly remember one of my first Consistory meetings. I was about 26 years old…
How to THRIVE as a Disciple-Making Leader
The journey from Survive to Thrive as a Disciple-making leader is a narrow road…
A Dose of Encouragement
Encouragement can mean so much more than simply supporting one another.
Do You Need Some Abiding Time?
Abiding in Jesus doesn’t always mean having some incredible mountain…
Ready. Set. Wait???
I don’t like airline travel. It isn’t because I’m afraid of flying, it’s because I’m annoyed by waiting.
Is There More to Supporting Student Mission Trips than Writing a Check?
On some level, it’s an easy task: write a check and a young person has an…
What We Learned Along the Way
As my home church decided to join the Alliance, here are some things we…
Rest for the Weary
October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and I am seeing all over church in this nation…