A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships
The nautical phrase “a rising tide lifts all ships” speaks to the universal…
12 Gospel Revolutions
Jesus lived an incarnational life on earth that rocks our planet to this day with…
Rest for the Weary
October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and I am seeing all over church in this nation…
IndependenCE or Denominational Identity?
Would congregations be better off being independent? How will the Alliance not…
Let’s Talk About Our Congregation’s Future… or Not? (Part 3)
We’ve been considering conversations about your congregation’s future. Whether you’re…
Let’s Talk About Our Congregation’s Future… or Not? (Part 2)
Talking about our congregation’s future is hard. It’s difficult and dangerous territory…
Supporting your church’s future effectiveness
We seek to support churches in Biblical Transparency, Empowerment…
Let’s Talk About Our Congregation’s Future… Or Not?
Wherever the pressure comes from – external, internal or a bit of both – conversations…
Why Can’t We Decide (Part 3)
Assembly-based decision presumes that delegates enter a sacred space apart from…
Why Can’t We Decide (Part 2)
Today, I want to offer you a second observation why assembly-based decision…
From An addition mindset to multiplication in the church
Let’s compare and contrast seven common features of the difference between…
DRR: Disciple-making reproduction rate
In Jesus’ Great Commission strategy to reach the whole world with his love and power…
Why Can’t We decide (Part 1)
When a decision turns out to be a poor decision, I usually find myself asking how that decision went wrong.
How Would a fish describe water
What is right and wrong is defined by the purity, righteousness, holiness and…
The Formula for Organizational Change
When I coach congregational leaders, I’m often asked, “Why is it so hard to change…
5 Powerful Words From One Who Keeps His Promises
Built upon the good confession that Jesus is the true Messiah, the Savior of the world…
Don’t stare at my finger - look to where I’m pointing.
Man-made tradition and religious wisdom tend to get in the way of God’s commands over time
Choosing Different Paths
I thought the other day about believers choosing different paths. It happens.