Don’t Waste Your Departure
Leaving the problems of the mainline behind only has value to the degree that…
How to THRIVE as a Disciple-Making Leader
The journey from Survive to Thrive as a Disciple-making leader is a narrow road…
Making Disciples = Mentoring Like Jesus
Jesus invested most of his time with 12 disciples who became disciple-making leaders…
What is my SHAPE as a Disciple?
A disciple is someone who looks like Jesus and who does what Jesus does!
Creating a Disciple-Making Culture
Creating a Vibrant Culture is the first step in the Core Practices of Following Jesus…
The Speed of Trust
This is the Lord Jesus at work in the global church at the speed of trust, the speed of love, the speed of light.
A Dose of Encouragement
Encouragement can mean so much more than simply supporting one another.
Jesus Loves to Speak to His Churches
Let’s take a look at how Jesus loves them well, and consider how Jesus might…
Do You Need Some Abiding Time?
Abiding in Jesus doesn’t always mean having some incredible mountain…
3 Reasons Your Online Ministry is Having Reduced IMpact
Why is your digital ministry failing to have the impact you hoped it would have…
We Get More of What We Measure
I've played team sports my whole life like volleyball, baseball, basketball,…
Why Your Church Website Needs an Overhaul
We need to understand how churches can use their digital infrastructure to…
Ready. Set. Wait???
I don’t like airline travel. It isn’t because I’m afraid of flying, it’s because I’m annoyed by waiting.
Is There More to Supporting Student Mission Trips than Writing a Check?
On some level, it’s an easy task: write a check and a young person has an…
It’s Time to Think Differently
As we steward and shepherd the Alliance in its infancy, one of the statements…
What We Learned Along the Way
As my home church decided to join the Alliance, here are some things we…
Living Certainly in Uncertain Times
When life is uncertain, we start to doubt any and all information that we can’t verify…
A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships: Part 2
Jesus has the capacity and ability in his resurrection and ascension to lead the…
Living at the Right Size
As the Alliance has been developing its structure, we have often considered…